Sissy's Blog

Back At IT!!!


Well, it has been a while for me and posting!!  I’m going to try this again and see if I can’t keep up this time maybe.  My crazy life has not allowed me to be as diligent as I would like and I have finally stopped and realized that life if flying by and I’m not enjoying the journey at all!!!  Too much work and no play makes life very very dull.  Let me give you just a brief update on where I’m at in life and what has been going on in the last few years, please know that this is a reader’s digest version and very short…….I couldn’t even begin to tell you EVERYTHING!!!!  We would be here the rest of the year!!  I live in a circus tent to say the least, 2 weeks from anywhere and there is absolutely nothing “normal” going on at any given time.  I am still doing real estate.  Where has time gone…..been doing that for over 22 years now…it doesn’t seem real.  I do mostly foreclosures and over time, this has really become a challenge.  I never know from one minute to the next what to expect.  I can tell you that I have seen it all, heard it all and have the shirt to prove it!!!  Mike spent 4 years in North Dakota working sheetrock and on the oil industry doing wireline work.  He came home and has been helping me some for the last 3 years.  We have a cattle operation where we raise beef cattle and I could tell you how many we had at one time, but now, who knows…..I rarely have time to turn around, much less know how many cow/calf pairs we have.  I would say that I enjoy it, but the last 3 years have been a blur.  I have literally been putting in 17 or 18 hours a day in real estate and rarely do I even take time to drive through them.  Our ranch is called Welcome Home 2R Ranch, (its actually located in Welcome Home, which is about 30 minutes from our home), we still have the mules, the donkey and 2 horses that live at our home, along with our many many chickens, Mostly Roo’s!!!  Don’t even ask!!!  Mike sold my goats when Mom and I went to Hawaii with Michael and Rich for their big day!!  I want more, but just haven’t had time to go pick any more out.  I also have a booth in a store in Harrison, Rust Dust and Wonderlust…..If you are ever in the area, check it out……you can literally spend hours in this place.  My booth is Welcome Home 2R tiques and Treasures… you can see, we are getting in a rhythm here!!!  THEN we have Ragland Auction Company that is still kicking, thank goodness it has been relatively quiet for a few months, I don’t know what I would do if it was booming too.  Mike and I both joined Marshall Assembly of God and are active members of this wonderful church family.  We always have something going on there.  I also keep the outdoor flowers going and keep arrangements made for the sanctuary and fellowship hall.  We have been in the Christmas play, where we played a married couple!!  LOL, go figure…..but anyway, we are very busy with that as well.  We enjoy being part of this amazing family.  I am finally getting caught up on a few things work wise, I eliminated some of the companies that I worked for and have slowed my pace some, like I said, I wasn’t enjoying my journey.  I wanted to enjoy some of the hobbies that I used to, and somehow, we are just going to have to make it work.  I am big into Pioneer Woman right now, my kitchen looks like she has exploded all over it and we both love eating her recipes.  I have taken up quilting and in a rare event that Mike and I got to attend an auction on the opposite side of the microphone, I made a purchase of a commercial quilting machine, and it has turned into quite an event…..I always get carried away at auctions, Mike has a hard time making money because I am always finding things to bid on, well this one was no different, other than we weren’t making the money to pay for it!!!  🙂  I bought it at a really great price, and guess what…… won’t fit in any room in our house!!!  I thought it would!!!!  So now, with the moving truck, moving men and a very very LARGE piece of equipment in my basement floor, we are trying to decide where to build my new quilting room!!!  I’m calling it my “She Shed”!!  I did tell ya’ll it was never a dull moment around here.  But we won’t talk about my inability to judge room sizes or anything… was a good buy!!  This past 2 weeks, when I get caught up on work, I have been busy crafting birthday gifts for friends and have become pretty crafty with my cricut maker and I have also taught myself how to fingerknit!!!  This is pretty cool, especially if you can’t seem to get the gist of how to hold knitting needles……Sometimes I feel I have too many hobbies and maybe need to focus on just a few!!!  But what fun would that be…….there are sooooo many things on Pinterest that I want to try!!  


Well, now you are kinda up to speed on my crazy life, and hopefully I can add bits and pieces along the way and share some of my life with those reading these words.  I am determined to live by my mentor Joyce Meyer’s word…..Live a life you Love and Enjoy the Journey getting there……


Talk with you all soon!!  Love Sherry

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2 thoughts on “Back At IT!!!

  1. Good to see you back to blogging!

    Your life is indeed a bit busy. You definitely need to slow it down a bit! I recommend crafting full-time 🙂

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