Sissy's Blog

Birthday Weekend!!


Well, April not only brings spring showers, it is also the month that Mom and Brother celebrate their birthdays. We made our annual pilgrimage down to Michael and Rich’s and put in a weekend of MAJOR SHOPPING!! This year we got to spend Friday in Canton at Trade Days!!! The weather started out just a little cool, but quickly turned into a wonderful sunny day and we enjoyed ourselves very much!!! Needless to say we were POOPED by the time we covered some of it and we made it home worn out and exhausted but so very proud of all our treasures. (ummmm, I think it was mostly my treasures, although I think my brother did find one thing :)!!! Saturday we spent the day shopping around town and then went home, fixed a pizza and played a game. We all enjoyed ourselves and laughed and shared stories and memories…..I am truly blessed with a wonderful Mom and loving brother and his partner who I love just like my brother….they are really great to take me and any of my friends that I drag down there shopping and showing us all a great time….Not all brothers would do that for their sister!!! I know I am blessed. I am also amazed that my Momma made every step we did!!! It kinda shocked me when she told me how old she was….I don’t know, I just never think of her age, she is always going and doing and working like a little work horse… just shook me up to say the least…..So if you get the chance in the next few days, give a shout out to my brother on April 9th and my Mom on April 14th……Happy Birthday you two….love you to the moon and back a zillion times…..

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