I have been online looking at Coady’s memorial site. My heart breaks looking at those photos and the reason that they are there. They are wonderful photos and just barely touch the surface of what a complex and adventursome young man he was, even when he was a baby. There will be much more photos to come, I have books and books of him, and wish I had more to add after his 20th birthday. Enjoy the site and say a prayer for the holes in our heart that are left by his absence. <!–break–>The world is a little dimmer because of the loss of his big smile, but heaven is a little brighter and I know he is there smiling down at us at the fuss we are making over him. We could all learn a lesson from him and his dedication to his friends. As the bible says, “No greater love has a man than this, that he should lay down his life for his friend,” Could we say the same? I miss him terribly and my heart will never heal, but I know he is in a much better place and his reward will be a crown that few of us will ever wear. I know he will love his sight and he is smiling on his uncle Mike for his creativity. Please sign on and look at his pictures, tell your stories, and think sweet memories.