It’s hard to believe that it has been almost a year since my last entry!! Shame on me!! As the seasons change, so do our lives. This year has been full of change for me in all areas of my life. I can’t believe that Coady has been gone for almost 4 years. In one way it feels like it happened only yesterday, the pain is still so real and so strong. But on the other hand it feels like my life drags on and the darkness doesn’t ever end. Work is out of control with foreclosures coming in at every turn. I feel like I meet myself coming and going, and I guess that’s a good thing as far as making a living. I hate that people are losing their homes at eveey turn. I am thankful that I have mine, even if I don’t get to see it much! Joe and I found ourselves at the end of the road and too tired to keep trying. All of the events over the past several years finally caught up with us and we gave up trying. I feel like a feather in the wind and that I really don’t belong anywhere or have a purpose. The house Is very lonely and quiet when I do get to be there. Summer has kept me busy with the yard and work, so I have made it ok I guess, who knows what the winter will bring. I have had some really great friends that have kept me busy and been there for me when I do meltdown.
So as the leaves change and blow around, I will be like one of them and see what color I turn and where the wind blows me.