Sissy's Blog

Spring Has Sprung!!!


Bees are buzzing everywhere, daffodils are blooming, the forsythia has the trees all golden and green is peeping out all around. Even the birds seem to sense that the cold of winter has passed and summer is around the next bend. My heart is still bitter cold with reality even though I see all the beauty of spring. Joe and I have been busy cleaning the yard up after the long winter. The ice took its toll on some of our trees and we lost the big plum tree that Coady and his Grandpa planted when we first moved in. One of the hurricanes that came through made it lean and we were waiting until spring to trim it up and hopefully get it back straight, well the ice beat us to it and laid it over. It broke my heart to see it down. Some times I feel like I am losing more and more of Coady. His dogs, his guns that were stolen, his games that were taken during the break-in, and now just little things that were left that had memories of him planting with Grandpa…gone….where does it end. Sometime is just seems like there is no purpose to life anymore. Just existing and not actually living.

I have picked up my paint brush again and have started painting some “art” if you can call it that. I think it is pretty good and I do enjoy it while I am doing it. I guess I enjoy the company just about as much as anything. There are times that I get frustrated trying to accomplish what I see in the picture I am trying to paint, and I don’t realize that I have become tense. But for the most part, all of us in there enjoy laughing and just spending time together. It is a mixed bag of humans in that class, but a good class none the less.

I am going to try and have a garden again this year….we will see how it goes. I am out of canned tomatoes, so I know I have to at least try. I used to could say that it was cheaper just to buy them, but here lately, I think it will be cheaper to grow them, thank you!!! My lettuce is already poking its way out of the ground, and I have put out some herbs that didn’t make it through the ice. But my biggest goal will be my tomatoes and cucumbers and of course the okra, squash, peppers and such….just thinking about it makes my mouth water..We can’t have a huge one because the deer just eat everything up….we get so mad because they are enjoying the fruits of our harvest a lot more than we get to, so now we are forced to grow them in raised beds within the chainlinked back yard where Sam can guard it and keep them away…not that he is doing such a good job with the rabbits or squirrels….I think his eye sight might be slipping or else he is just too darn lazy to do anything about it…he will chase them if he thinks we are looking, otherwise he just raises his eyebrow and turns his head, then back to nap town….what a dog…I think I would want to come back in life as my dog….

Well enough for tonight, I need to write a story on Coady’s website, so I need to get going. Hopefully the next time I write, we will be enjoying some of the garden veggies….

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